Silby's NYCBSDCon 2008 Presentation Page
On October 12th, 2008 I presented "Detecting TCP regressions with tcpdiff" at NYCBSDCon 2008.
The following pieces of the talk are available:
Test results generated using tcpdiff
A recording of my talk. This was recorded by Will Backman of BSDtalk. You can find other recordings from the conference at his site.
For additional info on NYCBSDCon, check out its website
Based on the feedback I got at NYCBSDCon, here are my plans for tcpdiff:
Fix dummynet stacking so that all parts of tcpdiff run on the test system; this will allow all OSes to be tested.
Create a VM with tcpdiff pre-installed so that others can easily use it.
Set up a nightly builds of FreeBSD and test for regressions every day.
Enhance tcpdiff so that it can detect the undetected bugs in two of the four known bug test cases.